Shipping & Payment
Shipping Policy within Canada:
- Free shipping offers are only applicable to orders placed on the website. We reserve the right to change or withdraw free shipping offers without notice.
- To qualify for free shipping, your order subtotal, before any taxes are applied, must be at least CAD $98.
- Free shipping is available only to addresses within Canada and USA. (Excluding Northwest Territories, Nunavut & Yukon Territory)
- Orders are typically dispatched within 1 business day via Canada Post after placing your order. We will send the tracking number to your registered email address, and you can also find the shipping tracking information in your order details.
- The total weight of merchandise purchased at retail cannot exceed 50 pounds.
- Delivery times depend on the province to which the goods are shipped. Canada Post typically delivers within 3 to 7 days.
- Goods are expected to be delivered between 8 AM and 5 PM local time, Monday through Friday.
- Due to size or stock availability, multiple items may be shipped separately and may arrive at different times.
- reserves the right to switch from Canada Post to FedEx/UPS/DHL or other logistics companies.
Orders for the USA and International:
The customer is responsible for any customs and/or brokerage fees. These fees should be paid upon receipt of the order.
All orders are charged in Canadian dollars. Exchange rates and international order fees are assessed and applied by your financial institution.
Payment Methods:
Makoto Co., Ltd. accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit and debit cards. All credit card transactions are processed using Stripe, which employs industry-standard best practices to ensure the security of your credit card information. does not store or forward any of your credit card information entered during payment; this sensitive information is communicated using SSL protocol only between your computer and Stripe's servers.

For any questions about shipping and payment methods, please email